Saturday, November 22, 2014

Prayers of Thanksgiving

Thank you, God, for Thy Love, Thy Divine love, flowing forth from Thy center in me to everyone and everything.  Thank you, God, for Thy Divine Love being present in everyone and everything.  Thank you, God, for the flow of Thy Divine Love from everyone and everything to everyone and everything.  Thank you, God, for making it so.  Amen.

Thank you, God, for Thy Love in us.  Thank you, God, for this Thy Love, flowing forth from us to each other.  Thank you, God, for this Love and Light flowing forth into our whole area, filling everyone and everything with Thy Love and Light.  Thank you, God, for this Light and Love flowing forth from Thee within us to our country, to every person and every thing so that the government rests upon the shoulders of Thee.  Thank you, God, for Thy Light and Love filling our planet, so that everyone and everything is filled with Thy Light and Love.  And Earth becomes a planet of radiance, a planet of Light and Love.  And this radiance flows out to everyone and everything in the universe.  And thus everyone and everything in the universe sends Divine Love back to Earth.  And everyone and everything on Earth becomes universal and aware of loving.  And thank you, God, for making it so.  Amen.

Thank you, God, for this togetherness.  For the unity and love, for the oneness, for being.  Thank you, God, for more awareness of Thee.  And thank you, God, for the love flowing between us and filling our beings.  Amen.   (from Leading a Life of Prayer)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Divine Love

God’s Love is entirely different from human love.  God’s Love is never held back.  It is given one hundred percent.  It is one hundred percent everywhere.  It exists in and around people, in and around cockroaches, in and around Earth – in and around everything!

God’s Love does not depend on anything.  It does not increase when one is “good,” nor is it held back when it is not returned.  You can accept it or not.  It is just there.  It just exists.  Divine Love is simply here, in and around everything, all the time. 

You are Divine, and therefore you are Divine Love.  Be Divine Love by affirming, “The Light in me gives Divine Love to you and to everything.”  Or, “God in me gives Divine Love to you and to everything.”  Or simply, “God in me gives Divine Love.”  The more you practice being Love, the more it becomes a reality.  The reality of Divine Love is that it radiates in all directions from you.  (from Leading a Life of Prayer)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A New Life

The living Christ is the new order of man.  Declare, ”The Creator in us frees us of our patterning and our concepts of life and of people.  We establish a new Divine mission, a new order, a new order of man.  Thank you, God, for making it so.”   

Get into being this new type of person.  You will enjoy life a lot more this way.  You will feel more alive than you ever have.  You will welcome each moment as the living Christ.  You will awaken to the power you really have.  It’s fantastic.  (from Leading a Life of Prayer)